
We are pleased to offer a most cordial welcome to the first ever virtual meeting of IUFRO Working Group 2.02.05 on Pacific Northwest Conifers!

Yes, there has been much disruption since covid-19 made its appearance, but PNW Conifers have kept growing and providing many benefits in their area of origin and around the world! WG 2.02.05 has not met since Forest Genetics 2013 in Whistler, British Columbia, Canada.

By means of modern technology, you can join from wherever you are based without traveling, and share your recent genetics-related experiences and progress with these magnificent species!



Call for abstracts!

Broadly dealing with the genetics of conifers originating from PNW North America. With the exception of a possible keynote presentation or two on general tree breeding topics, all presentations must be about of a PNW conifer.

  • Species: Coastal Douglas-fir, Western Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, Sitka Spruce, Interior Spruce, Lodgepole pine, Ponderosa Pine, Radiata Pine, Western White Pine, Sugar Pine, Coast Redwood, Noble Fir, Port-Orford-Cedar, Yellow Cedar, Incense Cedar,  Whitebark Pine, Giant Sequoia, Grand Fir, White Fir, Bishop Pine, Bigcone Douglas-fir.
  • Topics: Provenance variation, IUFRO trials, species introduction, genetics, breeding, seed orchards, seed processing and management, deployment, genetic gain, genetic resources, population genetics, adaptation to climate change, resistance breeding, biotic threats, breeding for wood quality, marker aided breeding including genomic breeding, clonal propagation, conservation.


Dowload the call for abstracts HERE

Download the submission template HERE

 Abstract submission HERE



Abstracts submission is now closed.

Notify presenters whether presentations would be spoken \ poster: October 1st


Registration fees


Early registration: 55 € (until October 20)

Late registration: 70 € (from October 21 to November 5)

Registration ends: November 5


Online user: 8 Privacy